© Sean N. Zelda
There’s a first time for everything… on the road. Like that time you were driving and you saw your first MEAT IS MURDER bumper sticker and you thought to yourself I can’t wait to eat steak tonight. Then there’s the time you got stopped at a railroad crossing and it was the longest train you’ve ever seen. You waited there, trailing four vehicles and the line-up behind you was even longer than the train. Yes, you’ve had many adventures on the road. There was the time you forgot to check your blind spot on the freeway and nearly side-swiped a monstrous SUV with your tiny four-door sedan. And the time you needed to make a right turn, but traffic was backed up in the right lane. Someone let you out, but the left lane was clear and someone was heading straight for your hood as you inched your way out. They had to clear you by swerving into the left turn lane.
There’s a first time for everything… on the road. Like that time you were driving and you saw your first MEAT IS MURDER bumper sticker and you thought to yourself I can’t wait to eat steak tonight. Then there’s the time you got stopped at a railroad crossing and it was the longest train you’ve ever seen. You waited there, trailing four vehicles and the line-up behind you was even longer than the train. Yes, you’ve had many adventures on the road. There was the time you forgot to check your blind spot on the freeway and nearly side-swiped a monstrous SUV with your tiny four-door sedan. And the time you needed to make a right turn, but traffic was backed up in the right lane. Someone let you out, but the left lane was clear and someone was heading straight for your hood as you inched your way out. They had to clear you by swerving into the left turn lane.
The highlights of your driving
adventures are always the bad ones. Like the time you got rear-ended waiting at
a red light. How the hell did that happen? You angrily got out of your car to yell at
the person who did it, but he was a senile old man who wouldn’t get out of his
car. He had those special sunglasses for old people and he just stared straight
ahead. You called the police. They gave him a ticket, but unluckily for you,
you only had no fault insurance and your car was totaled.
Super Bowl night 2011, the road was
crawling with black ice. You were driving along the highway when all of a
sudden, everyone’s red brake lights
lit up. You had to slam on the brakes and you lost control. This time, you
did side-swipe an SUV’s left side and went off into the shoulder. The police
had many accidents to deal with that night. Your car was totaled. Again.
Driving is one of those things where
you don’t really think about the good times. The rocking out with your friends
to your favorite metal album, summertime with the windows down and the sunroof
open, getting from A to B in one piece 99% of the time. Those are the times you
take for granted. What you remember is the near-misses, the accidents and the
asshole who cut you off, now going 40mph on a 50mph road.
The next time you get in your car, make
it memorable. Enjoy it. When you’re stuck in traffic, love being stuck in
traffic! If you’re with someone, find a common musical interest and turn it up.
If you’re by yourself, jam out too. Treat yourself to a Slurpee for the hell of
it. Keep your car clean; take care of it. Take pride in what you drive, even if it's a piece of shit. And
most of all be appreciative that you have the luxury of owning a vehicle. Not
everyone does.
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